As seen in…

Daily Herald

“Three St. Charles teenagers, Zac, Max, and Cam Chiet, have always had music central in their lives. In 2018, they created Malik's Music, a nonprofit organization which grants scholarships of instruments…”

Shaw Media

“This past winter, the group partnered with Operation Christmas Child to donate two guitars and accessories, and plans to donate more than 15 instruments this summer to children. The group will be working with CASA Kane County and Mutual Ground to identify children who could benefit from Malik’s Music.”

Kane County Chronicle

“The mission of the group is to spread the joy of music by providing resources for music lessons and instruments to low-income youths and teens in Kane, DuPage, Kendall, DeKalb, and McHenry counties.”

Shaw Media

“Malik’s Music partnered with the Community Santa Project to help a child. A teen girl in foster care received the bass and she was overjoyed with the Christmas gift.

‘I’m never going to forget this and someday I’m going to give a kid something they really want,’ the recipient said in a letter. ‘This has helped me so much. It takes up my head space and helps with my depression because I’m doing something fun. ’“